17 August 2010

bird watch

I just have to record a few bird encounters for posterity.

1. Ducks on the neighbor's farm...these little guys waddle all over the place, including the road.  One duck in particular blends in with the weeds along the road.  Luckily, I didn't hit him, but he sure startled me.
2. A blue heron...always used to stop by our pond for tadpoles and other goodies.  This time he was posing just off the pavement as I rounded a bend.  No water in site.  Maybe he was having a breather before flying to the next pond?
3. A hawk with balls...saw some roadkill up ahead with the typical crowd of vultures.  The big guys all scrambled to fly away, but not Mr. Hawk.  Or Ms. Hawk, I guess.  It stood its ground, clenching some animal parts in its talons, as if to say "Drive around me, bitch, cuz I ain't givin' this up."

All have fared better, I hope, than that poor peregrine on the Columbus skyscraper.

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