16 July 2010

conservation is communism

Just a mini-entry. I have faced adversity (and jokes of violence) in regard to my efforts to help the planet in any way I can only from one group of people. No, not the RNC. I don't even exist to them. I'm talking about my very own family. I am baffled that the idea of recycling paper plates incites such ire. Confused that rinsing plastic jugs results in angry glares. And disappointed that crushing cardboard boxes causes so much hate. Most of all I am hurt that my opinions and advice, so willingly given in the face of these reactions, cannot sway them to reduce, reuse and recycle. I am not surprised that government advertizements and cartoon spokesanimals fail to do it. But I thought they'd listen to me.

Our family has farmed the land for generations. Farmers should have the loudest environmentalist voices out there.

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