20 February 2013

Lower Education

This semester, I've been confronted with some rather troubling views on higher education. Naturally, I'd like to achieve a better understanding of this through a survey. I realize responses won't be anonymous, but I cannot imagine that would stop my more opinionated acquaintances! It's not a scientific poll, anyway...

Respond to each statement using the scale:
Strongly Disagree--Inclined to Disagree--Neither--Inclined to Agree--Strongly Agree

And feel free to elaborate on any of your responses, of course.

1. Paying tuition for higher education is the same as paying for any other service.

2. Higher education is an investment in yourself.

3. When you are paying tuition, especially out-of-pocket, institutions should follow the "customer is always right" rule.

4. There should be no consequences for missing classes, whatever the reason.

5. There should be no due dates for assignments.

6. You should spend at least 3 hours of out-of-class work per credit hour of class.

7. A degree is earned, not given.

8. It is unfair to offer a makeup exam because it gives that student more study time than his/her classmates.

9. It is the teacher's job to make the subject interesting for students.

10. Enrollment is a choice, and completing coursework is the student's responsibility.

11. Everyone should have at least a bachelor's degree.

12. Higher education is a privilege.

Thank you for participating! I'm no Bill O'Reilly, but I hope I'll be able to compile some results and share interesting opinions about education today.


  1. Respond to each statement using the scale:
    Strongly Disagree--Inclined to Disagree--Neither--Inclined to Agree--Strongly Agree

    And feel free to elaborate on any of your responses, of course.

    1. Paying tuition for higher education is the same as paying for any other service.
    Strongly disagree.

    2. Higher education is an investment in yourself.
    Strongly agree.

    3. When you are paying tuition, especially out-of-pocket, institutions should follow the "customer is always right" rule.
    Inclined to disagree.

    4. There should be no consequences for missing classes, whatever the reason.
    Inclined to disagree.

    5. There should be no due dates for assignments.
    Strongly disagree.

    6. You should spend at least 3 hours of out-of-class work per credit hour of class.
    Not sure I understand the question? Homework or working or related research?

    7. A degree is earned, not given.
    Strongly agree.

    8. It is unfair to offer a makeup exam because it gives that student more study time than his/her classmates.
    Inclined to agree. (unless the makeup is held before because the student knows they will miss the exam).

    9. It is the teacher's job to make the subject interesting for students.
    Inclined to agree.

    10. Enrollment is a choice, and completing coursework is the student's responsibility.
    Strongly agree.

    11. Everyone should have at least a bachelor's degree.
    Inclined to disagree.

    12. Higher education is a privilege.
    Inclined to disagree.

    1. For number 6, I had trouble wording it...think of it as homework, general study, reading, research for papers. Not their jobs or internships, but work assigned to be done outside the classroom. Work needed to pass the course. Does that help?

  2. Respond to each statement using the scale:
    Strongly Disagree--Inclined to Disagree--Neither--Inclined to Agree--Strongly Agree

    And feel free to elaborate on any of your responses, of course.

    1. Paying tuition for higher education is the same as paying for any other service. Inclined to disagree

    2. Higher education is an investment in yourself. Strongly agree

    3. When you are paying tuition, especially out-of-pocket, institutions should follow the "customer is always right" rule. Inclined to disagree

    4. There should be no consequences for missing classes, whatever the reason. Strongly disagree

    5. There should be no due dates for assignments. Strongly disagree

    6. You should spend at least 3 hours of out-of-class work per credit hour of class. Inclined to agree

    7. A degree is earned, not given. Strongly agree

    8. It is unfair to offer a makeup exam because it gives that student more study time than his/her classmates. Strongly agree

    9. It is the teacher's job to make the subject interesting for students. Strongly agree

    10. Enrollment is a choice, and completing coursework is the student's responsibility. Strongly agree

    11. Everyone should have at least a bachelor's degree. Inclined to disagree

    12. Higher education is a privilege. Inclined to agree
