11 January 2012

Dear Mr. Boy Scout Man,

Needless to say, I was a little perturbed that you put me in the position of fighting the urge to defend myself (or, let's be honest...lash out) at a function during which I was supposed to be networking and ingratiating myself to older pillars of the community such as you.  Ingratiating is not one of my strong suits.  Thanks for making it more challenging.

What do I intend to do with my degree?  Oh, I'm sorry, you asked, what can I do?  Well, teaching is a viable option right now; I teach one class here, actually.  You think that's a worn-out, worthless response?  Ok...you're one of those "Those who can't do, teach" people.  What's that?  You studied Political Science?  Neat, my sister studied Poli Sci.  Wait, you're bashing your own choice of major?  That sounds like you have some personal issues that need to be worked out.  Not that I can't relate, but I've got enough regret and don't need to borrow yours.

So what have you done with your terrible political science degree?  You're a community leader with an organization that fosters apple pie values in boys and young men.  Apart from the issues of sexuality of scout leaders, a pretty great, worthwhile pursuit.  Now how did we get on the subject of my degree?  Oh, yes, I inquired if there were any art-related merit badges.  There are.  If I were so inclined, I might even help a scout achieve one of those badges.  And in so doing, insert a little culture and art into what used to be stereotypically a knots, fire, and camping-filled masculinity fest.  Wow, that sounds like a worthy application of my useless years of study.

Now, what about any of that fails to give you even the slightest inkling that those who study liberal arts are in fact valuable members of society regardless of their salary level?

Back to my original qualm.  According to my counterpart, I was successful in avoiding rudeness despite having that God-awful questioning of my career path sprung on me.  Sadly, you will not get to hear me explain how rude you were.  How insensitive you appeared, proving you are not so different from me but at the same time admonishing me for being like you.  Why did you drink the Kool-Aid?  It's not all about bottom lines and business as usual is it?  Or is that really what you want to teach those scouts?  Oh jeez, tell me there isn't an Outsourcing merit badge.  If you really feel this way, let's talk about the corporatization of non-profits and how that diminishes the whole "non" part.  Let's have a civilized exchange of ideas, grown-up to grown-up.  And yes, I count myself as a grown-up despite my appearance.  I know I look 20 years old.  But 20 is grown-up too, depending on the 20 year old...

Please don't write me off like that.  You'd completely ruin my already tarnished impression of upper management in the cultural/community-based realm.  And that realm is where I'll find a place to use my useless degree.

Sincerely yours...

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